ESCFC Malawi Kit Annual Appeal 2024


Each year we are really proud to support the school children in Malawi to play football and sport with our fantastic kit recycling initiative. We can only do this with your help and valuable kit contributions. If you have any old Edinburgh South football kit such as tops, shorts, training kit, boots, football gloves or football equipment then we are happy to collect it and pass it on to the children in Africa who can greatly benefit.

Please hand in any kit you have by Thursday 30th May either directly to your team coaches or it can be dropped off at the Football Office downstairs at Inch Park Community Sports Club. The club is open Monday 9am to 8pm, Tuesday 2pm to 5.30pm, Wednesday 5pm to 9.30pm, Thursday 1pm to 4.30pm, Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday day time.

Please note we can only accept proper Edinburgh South logo kit.  We will then be sending it over to Malawi at the end of the month.

With big thanks as always to our partner Andrew Bottomer who then organises the transport of all of our kit to the kids in Chitipa, Northern Malawi.

Thank you for your support with this fabulous recylcling initiative which is really helping young people in Africa to enjoy sport.

Any queries please ask your coach or email us at

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